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What Do Rich People Have That The Poor Does Not Have Apart From Money?

  What Do Rich People Have That The Poor Does Not Have Apart From Money?   The rich has money which the poor does not have but aside that, there are other urbane possessions of the rich that the poor don't have and I will just write on10 of such. The rich has money because they have learnt how to make money flow to them effortlessly but the poor would never know or do that These other urbane possessions of the rich include: 1.  Wealth Mindset The rich has learnt that his mindset is everything and thus he guards jealously never allowing weeds and negative thoughts to live therein and making every effort to avoid the victim mentality. But the poor has accepted his condition as his fate and thus makes no efforts to extricate himself from the poverty pool. 2.  Personal and Financial Discipline The rich has taught himself both physical and financial discipline. He does not speak out of tune, he has a cultured mannerism, is often courteous and humble. He also spends his mon

Are You Discouraged About Your Finances?


Are You Discouraged About Your Finances?


As you reflect back on what you’ve accomplished so far this year, do you cringe?

Allow me to help you raise your head up!

I'd like to encourage you to keep going! In a world full with hares, I want to inspire you to be the tortoise.

But how do you do it?

How can you maintain moving forward financially when things aren't going as planned and you don't feel like you're making the progress you want?

Allow me to suggest some very basic, yet very vital, things that you should continue to perform.

1. Laser Focus On The Big Picture.

This is the overarching theme of this encouraging article.

It's not a reason to give up just because things haven't gone as planned during the last few months.

What were your financial circumstances five years ago?

How about ten?

When I'm feeling down about our finances, I try to remember where we were just a few years ago, and the progress becomes evident.

Think 5, 10, 15, or even 20 years into the future if you've made that kind of progress in a time when the markets were (to put it nicely) turbulent.

Think long-term, not simply today's stock market news or last month's check register, and keep your eyes on the broad picture.

2.   Continue To Stay Out Of Debt

This is especially crucial at this time of year, when the oncoming Christmas holiday season's commercialization may easily overwhelm us.

Debt, on the other hand, will prevent you from accomplishing long-term goals.

You can avoid falling into debt solely to support your lifestyle if you stick to the old adages of "living on less than you make" and "living within your means."

I don't want to be a slave, and “the borrower is a slave to the lender” is not something I want to be (see Proverbs 22:7).

Keep going if you're trying to pay off debt. It's difficult (trust me, I know), but it's also worthwhile (I know that, too).

3.   Continue To Save And Invest.

My wife and I have had frustration in this area.

Even after adding money to investment accounts, it can feel like the only money in the accounts is what we put in.

It's discouraging to see those if-you-put-N10,000-in-this-account-in-1945-it-would-now-be-worth-N56,000,000 infographics when your tiny investment is, well, stagnant.

And it' becomes far too easy you to throw your hands up and just give up

However, we all know that people who have money set up for emergencies, purchases, retirement, college, and other long-term goals are the ones that prosper financially in the long run.

Take a long-term view once more.

4.   Maintain Eternal Vigilance

To put it another way, don't stop thinking about your finances.

You don't have to be the king of graphs and charts, but you should budget each month and keep track of certain basic records (checkbooks, wills, etc.) that will benefit you in the long term.

Many people fall behind in one or more of these areas and quit.

Don't give up hope.

Put a “financial review” period on your calendar if necessary.

It doesn't have to be on a weekend; in fact, it's probably best if you just set up an hour or two each month for some basic evaluation and budgeting.

5.   Continue To Provide For Others

Giving must always be an important part of the puzzle, no matter what happens monetarily.

You must provide regardless of whether or not you obtain a return on your investment.

Giving is a blessing, and it's the best long-term investment you can make.

Yes, financial matters can be aggravating at times.

The TV shows and movies we watch serve up a regular diet of consumption and prosperity, and we see more commercials every day than earlier generations did in a decade (or more).

We all know just exactly what we want, don't we now? and we also do know just exactly when we want it. isn't it so?. However, we don't always receive it immediately away..

Simply put, my advice to you is to keep going! You'll be glad you took the time to do so.

After all, the turtle always wins the race.

If this post has resonated with you, kindly do us 2 small favours

- drop a quality comment here and tell us how your financial journey has been

- share this post to your friends on social media

About the blog

Wealthisearned is owned by Topitup Media and Communication Nigeria whose Team Lead is Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP

About the writer

Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie is a Physician, an Author, a Writer, Thinker, Founder, Convener and success coaching addict. He is passionate about helping people become the best versions of themselves through coaching, mentoring, teaching, enlightening and enhancing their self worth. And the Platform he uses to reach out to people is his Ministry of Encouragement  (MoE). He has deep interests in Personal Development including mindset reset and habit change, Personal Finance, Wealth Creation, Health and Fitness. He believes that financial knowledge (literacy) combined with self - discipline is the key to achieving financial  freedom.

He is the author of ThePractical Steps To Total Financial Freedom


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  1. Never Give up

    This post is a encouraging post that Spurs its reader to continue to pull the plough of Hope and optimism of a good financial standing and never to renege despite the seemingly hard times

    It further elucidated 5 strong points of encouragement

    Personally, saving and investment has been an enigma but I am learning how to put aside a part of my earnings

    1. When anyone develops the mindset for wealth, he would flow with the wealth creation process

  2. 1. In life a lot of discouragements can always spring up I mean like they are called, the vicissitudes of life some simple but come collosal one of which is in the aspect of finance. People can easily be discouraged. But the post turns our heads the other way. There are tips to encourage us such as keeping a financial record of how you faired in the past and now and with those statistics you can even see your financial future. That way, you'll get a bit of encouragement. Also there are tips not only to be financially encouraged but also building a sustainable financial life. Tips like staying out of debt, focusing on the big picture, continuing to save and invest.
    At the end of the day falling isn't the issue but staying down.

    2. My financial journey has been..... An epistle one steming from the fact that I started working without little or no financial education and hoping that my salary was all I needed. Never say the need for an extra income and thus in the long run was neck deep in debt but gradually and painfully I'm getting up.

    3. 1. Focusing on the big picture. That keeps me going sometimes I'm scared of making investments but then I remember nothing lost nothing gained that has helped me 7 out of 10 times.

    2. Maintaining financial vigilance. Keeping a track record of my expenses and income has really helped. Categorizing my needs under the "urgent and important" maxim has really helped.

    4. I think the best time is now. Being honest, learn from your mistakes, don't overly brood plan and stick to your plan.

    1. Everyone has a story and it is always encouraging to read such stories and these include our financial journeys.
      When we tell our stories, we validate them and others can learn one or two things from there

  3. In summary, "the article is just a wake up call not to relent on ones pursuit of life financial goals no matter how tough the prevailing situation is". It enunciates holistic attitude towards financial stability.

    My financial journey is a Cinderella story. It's rendition is simply a tales by moonlight. When I consider it myself, I feel like telling it over and over again.

    As a young boy growing up, I took to so many menial jobs such as serving masonry/bricklayers, cultivation of crops, snail hunt, hewing and selling of firewoods among others. This decision came as a result of where I found myself at the time. My parents were not financially bouyant, so I undertook those jobs as a way of supporting my parents. This support generated into other forms of aids for myself and parents when I joined my mum in trading her fruits business in the metropolis of Lagos State. I traded as a continuous support base for my parents. This continued till I got into the tertiary institution. Therein, I raised some money and started a phone book business on campus with the famous Samsung blue face. This actually helped me through in the campus. While in school, I wrote so many scholarship exams and succeeded with Addax Petroleum scholarship where I was paid #80000 annually for the period of 4years. This enabled me to run the phone book business efficiently. After graduation, I went into lots of enterprenuership training as a way to get myself self independent. I chose to do so coming from the experiences I had during my spell in doing street trading then, everyday, I was with cash after sales on daily basis, it was interesting for me.

    As part of accomplishing this, I got a company registered with CAC and it's into general supplies and sales of civil materials. The company seems to get contracts from oil companies and execute on terms of contract. This venture was designed to raise funds to actually run the self independent ideology.

    Right away, I got training in institute of safety professionals and works as a freelancer in safety for contractors working within the oil companies. I equally set up goat farms, rubber and palm plantation s as our extended investment from the proceeds of what we save from the above listed ventures.
    Married to my wife without a job, I had to get her trained into cosmetics, catering and sales of catering items as our collective drive in sustaining the mantra of self independence. She owns a shop in this regard and is thriving.

    This is a brief into our financial journey thus far. We are still evolving with the networking business we passionately delved into 5months again. This our future projection to get rooted in it and explore from there.

    The third caption; "save and invest" is simply the mind blowing one for me. Saving sometimes is a challenge mostly when one is conquered with the low income. The only way to the future is save and invest. To save is not enough because monies kept in the bank are not going to fetch one any but when it is churned into real and smart investment, the future becomes secured.

    The best time to do financial check up is now. It should be a daily routine just like stock taking is ideal for a petty trader who does this on daily basis to ensure he/she doesn't run out of stocks.

    Thank you sir for the exposition, we keep moving.

    1. A great write up Ben
      Your story is quite encouraging
      Keep putting them together because one day you are going to show the World what you have made out of yourself

  4. In all honesty, to live a successful life requires planning, whether in the short or long term. And an adage says that "he who fails to plan, plans to fail". So planning should be incidental and ancillary to an harmonious and well flourishing life. But as experience has taught us, it is easier said than done. Without being a prophet of doom, the principles analyzed hereinbefore, is a true representation of the matter as it were. I therefore, have found the post helpful and I hope it does serve the same purpose to others. Thank you.

  5. 1. This post talks about the key actions we are to put in place in other to fix our financial situations especially when hitherto, we have not been getting it right. it promises to provide some basic truths, motivation and guide through which we can continue to achieve such financial independence.

    2. my financial journey has been one mixed with so much challenges of having to acquire new skill or follow a new trend that is lucrative. it has brought me to the smartest people in each field and I believe it' because I always look to learn more and acquaint myself with the latest developments. By and large, it has been one I'm so grateful for.

    3. The point that I should continue to provide for others. i believe that this is a Supreme Biblical Principle. "Givers Never Lack." i always have to give even in my lack. it could b e my time, talent or treasure.

    4. i think now is the best time to do a financial check-up. as long as I'm ready to improve and play the financial game better, I need to keep track of what I'm not doing fine. everyday i read book and watch videos on financial/money masterclasses.
    i believe I have to reset my mindset first before I can go further to make that huge change because that's what is common in what all Authors and Mindset Video Experts I learn from say. IT IS ALSO BEEN EMPHASIZED IN THIS OUR VERITABLE COMMUNITY BY THE CONVENER HIMSELF.

  6. Kelly Isidore
    1. The post generally is to encourage us to keep faith and not loose hope, should we consider our financial state disappointing. We are to think long-term and not today's stock market news or last month check register. We are advised to try as much as possible to stay out of debt but continue to save and invest. We are advised to maintain a budget and never relent in giving to others.

    2. My financial journey has been mixed with the good the bad and the ugly. Apart from salaries from companies I've served, I ventured into the stock market, made some good monies when it was bubbling and lost a few. Right now I'm neck deep in acquisition of landed properties. And really God has been so faithful.

    3. Hmmm! This seems a little difficult. Frankly speaking I'm into what's been advised to do except one. The advice to stay off debt may not work with me. I play A LOT with loans (but not from the banks pls) to acquire properties. However, for every loan there are SURE programmed funds for liquidation as at when due.

    I set my eyes on the bigger picture I've set for myself and pursue it with the planned program of (2, 5, 10yrs), etc, that will enable me arrive there. And of course, continuous giving to others has become a habit.

    4. Financial check up for me depends on goals set to be achieved and the duration expected for the achievement. The closer the goals, say 1-2yrs, checks should be done on bi-weekly or monthly basis.

    1. There are good debts and there are bad debts
      the debts worth staying away from are the bad debts

  7. It's usually a good/sad thing when the issue of money comes up depending on the content where it is discussed. Money will always pave way for so many things wether we decide to believe or not.
    The post is a soft reminder on the ups and down surrounding money. No matter what happens along the line we should not give up our aspirations and believe surrounding our financial success things may not be as planned, but we should keep pressing and believing we will get there one day. Living with debt is a bad parasite that continue to feed on us, debt can be avoided even though its difficult sometimes, the issue with debt is not that we can't manage it, the issue is that we tend to forget so easily how we borrowed the money and the manner in which we promised to pay and discipline ourselves towards the fulfilment of such vow if I may say. We can live out of debt if we have an honest and sincere responsibility towards our day to day activities. When it comes to saving, it's easy to talk about but difficult to implement, but the truth is that it saves a lot. When we save, no matter how little it is, it is alwa saviour when the time comes. I was a living testimony during the covid 19 period and I was happy with myself in spite of all that was happening. Let's learn to save no matter how small it is. There will always be opportunities around our financial life only if we decide to be vigilant and ask questions. No matter how difficult the economy may be it is usually the best time for some folks even when people continue to complain, condemn and criticise the system. There is always a way to be in a positive financial alertness. The little things we give out will come back to us in folds no matter what the situation is. We may think it's because of our cleverness or being smart6, but the truth is that, one favour will always find a way to come back to us even when we have forgotten about it.
    My financial journey have always been up and down, stability comes in once in a while. I want to be financially safe and stable no matter how the economy tilts. Investment platform and buying of coins and bonds is next line of action. I also want to be able to manage our plans towards spending within the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly schedule as the case may be. I must say all the 5 points got me thinking, but point 4 is a good way6to start with. We sometimes forget about our financial plan especially when it comes to taking actions to regulate what we do during the course of our life. When we are watchful and have a good plan, ww are at advantage, being observant should also be able to know when to invest and when not to. Knowledge about financial trends is powerful and will never be a disadvantage when we make use of what we know.
    Now is the best time to do a financial check up no matter how little we want to dive into it. It comprises of many ethnics and different angles. It is never too early to start now, the merit will always come even when we think we are wasting our time. NOW IS THE BEST TIME.
    Thank you for taking your time to compose this article about money and finances. I will save it for future tips. Powerful!!!

    1. The best time to start doing anything concerning money was 20 years ago, the next best time is NOW

  8. 1.This journey to financial freedom is not easy but the writer encourages us to not give up.
    2.i have been battling with debt management while attempting savings and investment
    3.the post that talked about debt management and savings and investment. It is important to me because without debt management, savings and investment is almost impossible. is important to do the financial check up now because it helps to forestall further financial mistakes.

  9. 1. It's usually a good/sad thing when the issue of money comes up depending on the content where it is discussed. Money will always pave way for so many things wether we decide to believe or not.
    The post is a soft reminder on the ups and down surrounding money. No matter what happens along the line we should not give up our aspirations and believe surrounding our financial success things may not be as planned, but we should keep pressing and believing we will get there one day. Living with debt is a bad parasite that continue to feed on us, debt can be avoided even though its difficult sometimes, the issue with debt is not that we can't manage it, the issue is that we tend to forget so easily how we borrowed the money and the manner in which we promised to pay and discipline ourselves towards the fulfilment of such vow if I may say. We can live out of debt if we have an honest and sincere responsibility towards our day to day activities. When it comes to saving, it's easy to talk about but difficult to implement, but the truth is that it saves a lot. When we save, no matter how little it is, it is alwa saviour when the time comes. I was a living testimony during the covid 19 period and I was happy with myself in spite of all that was happening. Let's learn to save no matter how small it is. There will always be opportunities around our financial life only if we decide to be vigilant and ask questions. No matter how difficult the economy may be it is usually the best time for some folks even when people continue to complain, condemn and criticise the system. There is always a way to be in a positive financial alertness. The little things we give out will come back to us in folds no matter what the situation is. We may think it's because of our cleverness or being smart6, but the truth is that, one favour will always find a way to come back to us even when we have forgotten about it.

    2. My financial journey have always been up and down, stability comes in once in a while. I want to be financially safe and stable no matter how the economy tilts. Investment platform and buying of coins and bonds is next line of action. I also want to be able to manage our plans towards spending within the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly schedule as the case may be. I must say all the 5 points got me thinking, but point 4 is a good way6to start with. We sometimes forget about our financial plan especially when it comes to taking actions to regulate what we do during the course of our life. When we are watchful and have a good plan, ww are at advantage, being observant should also be able to know when to invest and when not to. Knowledge about financial trends is powerful and will never be a disadvantage when we make use of what we know.

    3. Learn how to give because the rewards of a cheerful giver comes in folds with the blessings that come with it

    4. Now is the best time to do a financial check up no matter how little we want to dive into it. It comprises of many ethnics and different angles. It is never too early to start now, the merit will always come even when we think we are wasting our time. NOW IS THE BEST TIME.
    Thank you for taking your time to compose this article about money and finances. I will save it for future tips. Powerful!!!

  10. 1. This post is a encouraging post that encourages the reader to continue to keep on going on his/her financial Improvement journey no matter the state it is now. It used the 5 strong points to drive home the encouragement.

    2. My financial Journey so far has been good. As a growing child, I developed a strong resistant towards extravagant spending and bring prudent with money and this has made savings and investing my core points. Graduating and working in the Insurance Industry for over 14years with all the trainings and professional courses and exams has further helped me to be a great achiever in any financial venture I put my heart to. Seeing supposed rich family falling in the state of poverty if not for their policy, made me to ensure im adequately insured in all ramifications. And doing what I preach has helped me to stay out of debt.

    3. Giving.... because that's what I have always encouraged people to do. It could be monetary or by advice but everyone has something to give no matter who the person is.

    4. For me I audit myself every beginning of the year for last year. Because it's then I run a total check on my total Income for the previous year and check the physical thing (investment) I was able to achieve, then I check my Insurance policies (the once which are savings incline) and do the mathematics to know if what I invested and saved was the larger part, then I set my targets for the next year.

  11. The post encourages as well as enlighten one that failure is not the final stop to ones hustle.
    Well it's really good to start from the scratch and slowly grow to the top though the top has no one continues to strive for greener pastures and more comfortable livelihood.

  12. The post encourages us not to relent in the journey of financial goals, no matter how hard/ tough the situation might be . It also motivates and guides us for in other not to lose focus through which we can achieve financial independence.
    2)my financial journey have experienced it’s up and down, although I experience stability on some occasions because I always had my eyes on the big pictures in my head without planning, but ever since I made away with unnecessary spending, giving and started planning and budgeting everything changed for good tremendously.
    3)the suggestion that resonates with me is “laser focus on the big picture “because i always had my eyes on the big picture and assume that it will be like that so quickly and at the time changing my mind to giving up. But ever since I removed my eyes from the big pictures things took a good turn.
    4) To me the best time to do financial check up is monthly it keeps you in check and also helps to have a total rundown of your income for the month to enable me check my investments and savings, then set my target for the next month.

  13. 1. Discouragement about your finances.

    Encouragement for those who feel, they haven't accomplished anything this year.

    Maintaining a forward movement financially even when you don't feel like you have made progress.
    Here are some vital things to keep performing in such times;
    1. Place a singular focus on the big picture.
    2. Do your best to stay out of debt.
    3. Continually save and invest.
    4. Maintaining eternal vigilance ( set up financial review).
    5. Never stop providing for others.
    Keep going, never give up. You would one day arrive at your destination.

    2. My personal financial journey hasn't been a bed of roses. This year alone, there has been alot of rising and fall; I have had alot of times I considered giving up living, to just exist, but one thing that has kept me to keep trying is fixing my eyes on the bigger picture. Knowing that at the end of the race, I would eventually obtain a price (generational wealth), if I don't give up.

    3. For me, placing laser focus on the big picture and trying to stay out of debt. With this increase in inflation, rising of prices and the uncertainty that goes with it has lead to so many unfulfilled plans/ things not going as expected, trying to stay out of debt with these price hike is so, so difficult because u go to the market with 1000, the good you went to buy is eventually 1500; discipline and self control has been a helping factor to me here.

    4. The best time to do a financial check-up is at the end of the month, it gives you time to review past budget and to plan ahead of the new month.

    Enekwechi Adaeze Faith


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