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What Do Rich People Have That The Poor Does Not Have Apart From Money?

  What Do Rich People Have That The Poor Does Not Have Apart From Money?   The rich has money which the poor does not have but aside that, there are other urbane possessions of the rich that the poor don't have and I will just write on10 of such. The rich has money because they have learnt how to make money flow to them effortlessly but the poor would never know or do that These other urbane possessions of the rich include: 1.  Wealth Mindset The rich has learnt that his mindset is everything and thus he guards jealously never allowing weeds and negative thoughts to live therein and making every effort to avoid the victim mentality. But the poor has accepted his condition as his fate and thus makes no efforts to extricate himself from the poverty pool. 2.  Personal and Financial Discipline The rich has taught himself both physical and financial discipline. He does not speak out of tune, he has a cultured mannerism, is often courteous and humble. He also spends his mon

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