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Showing posts from August, 2021

What Do Rich People Have That The Poor Does Not Have Apart From Money?

  What Do Rich People Have That The Poor Does Not Have Apart From Money?   The rich has money which the poor does not have but aside that, there are other urbane possessions of the rich that the poor don't have and I will just write on10 of such. The rich has money because they have learnt how to make money flow to them effortlessly but the poor would never know or do that These other urbane possessions of the rich include: 1.  Wealth Mindset The rich has learnt that his mindset is everything and thus he guards jealously never allowing weeds and negative thoughts to live therein and making every effort to avoid the victim mentality. But the poor has accepted his condition as his fate and thus makes no efforts to extricate himself from the poverty pool. 2.  Personal and Financial Discipline The rich has taught himself both physical and financial discipline. He does not speak out of tune, he has a cultured mannerism, is often courteous and humble. He also spends his mon

Act It Until You Become It

  Act It Until You Become It You have heard the saying that "If you want to become a Millionaire, then begin to act as one" Here are some ways that you can actually look like a Millionaire Remember, it is not only just in the acting, but it is more in the doing; so don't forget to do what it takes to make it while you pretend to be it #wealthisearned About the Blog Wealth Is Earned Blog is owned by Topitup Media And Communication Nigeria whose Team Head is Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP   At Wealth Is Earned Blog, we believe that being wealthy is a choice just as being poor irrespective of the circumstance and situation and it all streams from the mindset. Throw 2 men into the same gutter, the one with the wealth mindset will make it to the top while the one with the poverty mindset would be there and groveling with other inhabitants of the gutter - it is a mindset thing. God has given you the POWER to make wealth, it is your ABILITY to APPROPRATE what God has given y

3 Surefire Ways to Attract Riches

  3 Surefire Ways to Attract Riches   When you hear the word 'rich' what comes to your mind?, what's the first impression that conjures itself onto your vision? Do you know that those who refuse to become rich envy those who by dint of hard-work worked themselves out of poverty, money scarcity, penury, deprivation and lack? And do you also know that every man on planet earth has certain desires which only money can help him meet but because he has a low opinion of himself, his abilities and capabilities, he is unable to live out those desires? I am hoping that because you have been on my page for a while now and reading all those articles on how to better your lot, that you would by now be implementing them to live up to your full potential. And that is why today I want to share with you my 3 topmost ways to attract riches to your life. And these ways are based on the simple fact that in His infinite mercies our Creator has given us everything in abundance and i

Wealth Is A Choice

  Wealth Is A Choice   A lot of times, people do not realize that it is what they most times unconsciously and often times consciously choose to have in their lives that come their ways. Life is all about choices and those choices are made more often unconsciously before they manifest consciously. Even though life continues to happen and throw spanners in our wheel of progress but Mother Nature will never give anyone MORE THAN they have asked of her. It's your choice to be wealthy.  No one can make that choice for you.  However, most people have never made this decision -- simply because they don't know that they can. And their not knowing stems from their nurture and   nature. Any person raised in a scarcity environment may never out grow that environment unless they make a determined effort to leave the environment in their mental space. So, the most important task in this process of making a choice is DECISION. If one is not decided on becoming wealthy, they

Money Will Always Match Or Follow .....

  Money Will Always Match Or Follow .....   The issue of money has always been a much talked about issue right from the 1st Century when it was introduced into the World Economy Even though money is a means of exchange, however, it is lacking in many homes to the point that in the world today more than 50% of the World's Population is living below the poverty line i.e. earning below $2 per day. And this is not because they cannot be rich like others but because most have taken a vow of poverty  And so, what about money? Money will ALWAYS match your MINDSET. Money will ALWAYS follow your INTENTION. Money will ALWAYS manifest through ACTION. First comes mindset, then comes intention, and finally the big finale is action. If your mindset about money is one of scarcity, victimhood, blame, anger, shame, guilt, or undeservedness... then it doesn't matter how much you INTEND money, money won't be attracted to you. So, how do you change this mindset?   One w