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Showing posts from September, 2021

What Do Rich People Have That The Poor Does Not Have Apart From Money?

  What Do Rich People Have That The Poor Does Not Have Apart From Money?   The rich has money which the poor does not have but aside that, there are other urbane possessions of the rich that the poor don't have and I will just write on10 of such. The rich has money because they have learnt how to make money flow to them effortlessly but the poor would never know or do that These other urbane possessions of the rich include: 1.  Wealth Mindset The rich has learnt that his mindset is everything and thus he guards jealously never allowing weeds and negative thoughts to live therein and making every effort to avoid the victim mentality. But the poor has accepted his condition as his fate and thus makes no efforts to extricate himself from the poverty pool. 2.  Personal and Financial Discipline The rich has taught himself both physical and financial discipline. He does not speak out of tune, he has a cultured mannerism, is often courteous and humble. He also spends his mon

Who Are You Accumulating Wealth For?

  Who Are You Accumulating Wealth For?   Wealth is the desire of many a  man and being wealthy is it really because it takes one out of the realms of the beggarly and complainant. However, when you strive to accumulate wealth, who do you do it for? Have you read the stories of men who lived so frugally that they could be passed on the road and regarded as beggars only for them to die and leave millions of dollars as inheritance to their relatives? It is good to accumulate wealth but while you are at it, don't allow yourself to just live for those who shall inherit you. Live while you are alive. Enjoy your money while you still can. Plan for your old age with the money you are making, don't leave everything to chance and children, they may not be there for you. Spend at least 85% of what you have accumulated on yourself and your better half and then leave about 10% to your inheritors and the remaining 5% to charity. What really matters most to your inheritors is not

Why You Need An Emergency Fund and How To Start One Today

  Join our NEWSLETTER and be the first to get a notification whenever we create a new post and also access my   TOP 6 LEGITIMATE WAYS TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE Why You Need An Emergency Fund and How To Start One Today   If you want to learn how to manage your money properly, start by setting up an emergency fund straight away. This blog post covers questions like, "What is an emergency fund?" "How can I begin accumulating an emergency fund?" If you're in debt, do you need an emergency fund? How much liquid money can I set aside for an emergency fund? Where should your emergency savings be kept? Should I establish a separate account for my emergency fund? Isn't it possible for me to merely use my credit/debit card as an emergency fund? How can I put money aside for an emergency fund? The importance of today's post on emergency money stems from thinking about how you would manage various life events. See, I believe that everyone shoul

All Of Us Have The Same 24 Hours Every Day

  Join our   NEWSLETTER   and be the first to receive our posts as soon as they are published Also get my  TOP 6 LEGITIMATE WAYS TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE All Of Us Have The Same 24 Hours Every Day   What did Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., Oprah Winfrey, Larry King, Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Teresa, and Steve Jobs have in common? There were 24 hours in a day for each of them. What's the good news? That is also the same exact number of hours in each day that you have! Because it favors no one, time has been dubbed the "great equalizer." We all have the same amount of time in each day to get things done, regardless of color, creed, economic level, or upbringing. Building riches and getting wealthy, takes time, so you'll need to set aside some time to generate and grow your fortune. Of course, there are programs that can cut that time in half, but let's face it: making money still takes time. If you find yourself putting off tasks you know you

It's Time For Your Financial Check-up

  It's Time For Your Financial Check-up   Medical Doctors do advise people to ensure that they do their physical and mental health check - ups at least once a year. So, just like getting a check-up for your physical health to keep your health intact, you need to regularly perform a financial check-up to keep your finances healthy. If you have not yet done so, here's how to execute an effective financial check-up for the new month and the upcoming ember season! Step 1 - Identify or review your financial goals:  Make your goals specific by creating goals that are measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-specific. Be sure to create your short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals. Step 2 - Understand where you currently stand financially:  Determining your current debt, expenses, and income will help you understand what specific areas of your finances need the most attention and help you prioritize accordingly. Step 3 - Track your spending:   This means takin