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Showing posts from May, 2021

What Do Rich People Have That The Poor Does Not Have Apart From Money?

  What Do Rich People Have That The Poor Does Not Have Apart From Money?   The rich has money which the poor does not have but aside that, there are other urbane possessions of the rich that the poor don't have and I will just write on10 of such. The rich has money because they have learnt how to make money flow to them effortlessly but the poor would never know or do that These other urbane possessions of the rich include: 1.  Wealth Mindset The rich has learnt that his mindset is everything and thus he guards jealously never allowing weeds and negative thoughts to live therein and making every effort to avoid the victim mentality. But the poor has accepted his condition as his fate and thus makes no efforts to extricate himself from the poverty pool. 2.  Personal and Financial Discipline The rich has taught himself both physical and financial discipline. He does not speak out of tune, he has a cultured mannerism, is often courteous and humble. He also spends his mon

Is It So Ingrained In People At An Early Age That They Can’t Change Their Destiny

  Is It So Ingrained In People At An Early Age That They Can’t Change Their Destiny ?   To be able to give a precise answer to this question, one first needs to define what destiny is - just plain old definition and not dabbling into metaphysics and esoteric. Such an answer will determine whether there is even something like destiny? the online dictionary says of destiny: a.    the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future. ("she was unable to control her own destiny") b.     the hidden power believed to control future events; fate. ("he believed in destiny") Sometimes destiny is interchanged with the term fate but destiny is not fate Destiny is what happens when you commit to rising, learning, and taking risks, while fate is what happens when you don't take responsibility for your life. Only successful and deliberate decisions will lead to being "destined for greatness." So, does destiny exi

Why Are Some People Always ‘Lucky,' While Others Are Always ‘Unlucky'?

  Why Are Some People Always ‘Lucky,' While Others Are Always ‘Unlucky'?   It does appear like some people are born with good fortune. Anything they come into contact with transforms to gold. While others have bad luck plastered on their fore-heads. It's not about people who can be fortunate or unlucky; single acts can also be lucky or unlucky. When a soccer ball strikes a post, commentators always suggest the striker was unlucky. We also debate whether or not an act was fortunate. I'd say your pool shot was fortunate. You could respond, "Not luck; talent." Is there any sense in any of this? Is there such a thing as being born with good fortune? Is it true that some people have more of it than others (much like some people are great at pool)? There is a perfectly fair way to make sense of talk about luck, in my opinion. Luck, on the other hand, does not exist. It isn't a property or an entity like mass. Rather, talking about luck is talking

Some People Are More Successful And Effective Than Others For Various Reasons

  Some People Are More Successful And Effective Than Others For Various Reasons   People who are successful are not afraid to fail. They move on far away from their mistakes but with a big lesson there-from and they are quite persistent at going after what they want, leaving no room to fate and chance. They learn from their mistakes, but they never forget what they learned as a result of them. 11 Factors That Explain Why Some People Are More Effective Than Others Find out how they arrived at their destination. What a long and arduous journey they had to take to get there. What are the habits of successful people? The swanky bungalow, the luxury car, and so on are the first things that people notice about successful people. Learn from their path, not their destination, if you want to learn how to be successful. Find out how they arrived at their destination. What a long and arduous journey they had to take to get there. What are the habits of successful people? Why d

The 3 Major Things That Separate People Who Are Financially Successful From Those Who Aren't

  The 3 Major Things That Separate People Who Are Financially Successful From Those Who Aren't                       Has it really ever crossed your mind to consider what it takes to become wealthy? If you don't have a wealthy parent who can leave you a large amount of money or aren't on track to become the next Silicon Valley tech startup wunderkind, you're probably on the same road as the rest of us: So, then, to really become financially successful, here's a 3 = step plan to implement beginning now Step 1: Acquire skills, earn good money while you are young before you hit your 50s when the income is likely to plateau Step 2: Spend a fraction of what you make and save the rest. Step 3: Invest a significant portion of your savings wisely. Yes, there's more to it, but the three-step plan outlines the most important steps you'll need to take. You will become wealthy if you follow this advice. So, why are there so few people who succeed

Are You Struggling Financially? Then Do This!

  Are You Struggling Financially? Then Do This!   Many people around the world are experiencing financial difficulties for a number of reasons. People in third-world countries suffer from poverty due to factors such as a lack of industry and infrastructure. There are many people in the Western World   who are dissatisfied with their financial position. With the introduction of COVID, many more people have been experiencing financial difficulties. Lack of financial resources can trigger a lot of stress and even depression. It can be demoralizing to be concerned about whether you will be able to pay your bills and provide for your family. We just want to have enough, but many people are unable to do so due to unemployment, weak money management skills, greed, and a mountain of debt Many households face financial difficulties year after year. The best steps anyone can take to get oneself out of the quagmire of poverty and deprivation occasioned by lack of money include b

How To Become A Wealth Creator

  How To Become A Wealth Creator   According to research conducted more than two years ago in the United States of America, more than one hundred billionaires are created each year. Eighty percent of these billionaires were entrepreneurs! The statistics above clearly demonstrate one fact: working for someone else will never allow you to be truly wealthy. Owning your own company is the perfect way to protect the future. Individual wealth formation begins on the inside. It's a mental phenomenon. Whatever you believe on the inside can come out on the outside. To be a successful wealth creator, you must set realistic goals and dream big. Developing a product or service will improve your wealth-generation potential. You may wonder, "Where do I begin?" You must begin with what you already have! Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever “A man's gift will always pave the way” There are five ways to b

Are You a Wealth Creator?

  Are You a Wealth Creator? It occurred to me recently that not everyone knows what a "wealth creator" is, which is why I chose to focus this blog on this audience. Although we're all thinking about the year in focus which has gone 5 months ahead, but there can never be a bad time to talk about wealth and so, now provides an excellent opportunity to discuss the subject matter. What does it mean to be a wealth creator? The term "wealth creator" isn't specified in Merriam-Webster. There isn't even a Wikipedia entry for "wealth creator." That's not shocking, given that the definition isn't well-understood. “Wealth,” according to the dictionary, is described as an excess of valuable material possessions or resources. An "artist" is someone who creates something new or unique. The intersection of these two principles creates some complex dynamics and special requirements. Many citizens are wealthy; in reality, they ma

Is Money Really Important?

  Is Money Really Important?   Money is a necessary commodity that allows you to manage your life. Exchanging goods for goods is an older tradition, and you can't buy something if you don't have any money. People are trying to save money for their future needs, so money has gained value. Money cannot buy anything philosophically, but it is the most fundamental unit of measurement for determining a person's status in practice. Money is an excellent servant but a terrible boss. You should be fond of money to the point that you can manage it. Don't fall prey to money's nefarious grasp. There are many ways to make money, but in order to maintain your wealth, you must manage your own funds. Rich people are wealthy because they understand the true worth of money and therefore run their businesses accordingly. Cash, it is said, will remain in the possession of those who understand its importance. If you are a wasteful spender who spends money on things th

Key Differences Between The Rich And The Wealthy

  Key Differences Between The Rich And The Wealthy   We may mistakenly believe that being wealthy and being rich are the same thing, but they are not. For some reason, the terms rich and wealthy are often used interchangeably to refer to the same thing. While the two terms can appear to be synonyms, they are not. It can be difficult to distinguish between the two, but being affluent and being wealthy are not the same thing. What does it mean to be rich? Getting a lot of money or profits is what it means to be rich. It all boils down to the amount of money you have in your bank account. However, being rich does not imply that you are wealthy. In reality, being rich may also imply a high level of spending. It may also indicate that you are heavily in debt. It makes no difference how much money you have if your expenses exceed your revenue. Being in debt is not what everyone wants to be! Rich people may drive a flashy car or live in a magnificent home in the best part of