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What Do Rich People Have That The Poor Does Not Have Apart From Money?

  What Do Rich People Have That The Poor Does Not Have Apart From Money?   The rich has money which the poor does not have but aside that, there are other urbane possessions of the rich that the poor don't have and I will just write on10 of such. The rich has money because they have learnt how to make money flow to them effortlessly but the poor would never know or do that These other urbane possessions of the rich include: 1.  Wealth Mindset The rich has learnt that his mindset is everything and thus he guards jealously never allowing weeds and negative thoughts to live therein and making every effort to avoid the victim mentality. But the poor has accepted his condition as his fate and thus makes no efforts to extricate himself from the poverty pool. 2.  Personal and Financial Discipline The rich has taught himself both physical and financial discipline. He does not speak out of tune, he has a cultured mannerism, is often courteous and humble. He also spends his mon

You Will Not Become Wealthy Through Hustling

 You Will Not Become Wealthy Through Hustling


To get ahead, most entrepreneurs define hustle as working harder and longer than their competitors.

Many persons are under the impression that “hustling” is the key to money and success.

Too many entrepreneurs brag about their hustling, despite the fact that they aren't getting the results they want.

They're proud of themselves for working their tails off, and they're oblivious to how ineffective their efforts are. Even the most successful hustlers do not retire wealthy.

If you don't first apply a worthwhile method to work smarter, your fast-paced hustle will be useless.

It's meaningless to keep up with the pace if it's not for a good reason.

You're wasting your time if you don't know what you're doing.

Instead of pulling all-nighters in the hopes of getting something to work, you should stay focused on figuring out what works.

This allows you to concentrate your efforts on the techniques that will have the most impact and provide the best results.

Nobody is interested in your late nights or hard effort. People are just interested in the outcomes.

We wouldn't know so many broke hustlers if being a hustler was the key to success.

We wouldn't have all of these poor hustlers working 80 hours a week and still not getting the grade A money they desire.

Here are seven reasons why hustling won't make you wealthy, as well as seven things that will:

1. Spending time thinking is more valuable than hustling.

How much time do you spend pondering rather than acting? You'll never set aside time to contemplate if you're too preoccupied with hustling.

When given the opportunity to brainstorm and ponder, the human mind is incredible.

You will be able to solve difficulties, be creative, and come up with outstanding ideas and methods if you set aside time for thinking.

Being wealthy and successful is an intellectual sport, and you must be able to think in order to succeed. Ask yourself high-quality, deep, and profound questions during your thinking time.

The fast-paced lifestyle of a hustler does not allow for thinking time, which is essential for success.

Slow down, sit still, and let your brain to perform its magic to re-energize your creative mind.

When you're actively working, ideas don't come to you.

Those that think have great ideas.

You'll be able to figure out how to accomplish more with less thinking time.

The more you think, the more deliberate and strategic you'll become, allowing you to put in the least amount of work while getting the best outcomes.

2. You'll no longer need to hustle if you master the power of elimination.

Entrepreneurs who are able to discern what is worth their time and eliminate all unnecessary activities are the most successful.

Knowing what not to do is wisdom.

An intelligent individual who understands the power of elimination is far less prone to waste time.

Knowing when you don't need to work on something because you know the effort won't bring substantial benefits is wisdom.

The most astute and strategic entrepreneurs know exactly what works and what doesn't.

They recognize and concentrate on the few jobs that are worthwhile.

The power of elimination is what allows you to reclaim time that can be used to construct revenue-generating processes.

3.   Hustlers - Do You Know What The 80/20 Rule Is?

Understanding the 80/20 rule is critical when it comes to recognizing the initiatives that are worth your time and discarding the rest.

According to the 80/20 rule, 20% of your efforts are responsible for 80% of favorable outcomes.

If you know what you're doing, 20 percent of your hard work and activities can yield 80 percent of your results.

You won't need to hustle or work 15 hours a day once you figure out what that golden 20% is made up of. I strongly advise you to read Robert Koch's The 80/20 Principle.

Koch shows how the 80/20 rule may help you win at business and why some activities are far more important than others in this book.

Hustlers don't seem to realize that the majority of their efforts are in vain.

Hustlers need to start paying attention to which activities are delivering the majority (or 80%) of their results.

4. Hustling Isn't a Long-Term Strategy

Hustling is not a long-term strategy. Pushing yourself to the brink of weariness will only sabotage your long-term success.

When it comes to lengthy runs, if you run the first 5 miles of a marathon at breakneck speed, you'll probably be too exhausted to do anything but crawl the rest of the way.

Your business will suffer if you work too hard and burn out.

You lose time, productivity, and creativity when you're exhausted.

You know how it feels to be running on fumes: chores take longer, you make mistakes, and solutions seem to be harder to come by.

You won't get ahead by outworking your competitors and working more hours each day than they do.

Working smarter than your competitors will put you ahead of the game.

You'll get ahead if you get enough sleep each night to keep your brain functioning well.

Remember that hard workers are plentiful, and if hard effort were enough to make you wealthy, the world would be a much richer place.

5. You must work smarter rather than harder.

You've probably heard the phrase "it's not about quantity; it's about quality," right? You have, of course. That principle holds true for the hustle as well.

It is the quality of the work that matters, not the number of hours worked. You don't need to work harder; instead, you need to work smarter.

The problem isn't how many hours you put in; it's what you accomplish during those hours and the tactics you employ.

All the hours spent on your strategy will be for naught if it doesn't work.

When someone starts working 10 times harder that is when they are able to increase their six-figure income to a nine-figure one. Simply put, they began working 10 times harder and thinking 10 times smarter.

It's assumed that if you're an entrepreneur, you work hard. Working smartly, on the other hand, can make all the difference.

6. Your Hustle Contributes Less To Your Success Than Experimenting

Wise people have gained wisdom from their experiences. Experimenting is one of the most valuable kind of experience in the corporate world. You should try out different techniques, marketing initiatives, and ideas. You'll immediately notice what actually works.

Sean Ellis coined the term "growth hacking," which is a methodical approach of come up with growth ideas, testing them, and learning from the results.

Growth hacking demonstrates that experimenting is beneficial in business. You'll eventually figure out the ideal strategy to expand your business swiftly through trial and error.

7. Leverage is a far faster way to get rich than hustling.

Not hustle, but leverage is what makes people wealthy.

Leverage is the process of making use of other people's time, money, expertise, skills, and resources.

Rich people use leverage instead of hustling and wasting all of their time.

The key to achieving ten times greater impact, ten times more quality, and ten times more value is leverage.

Leverage allows you to generate more value in less time.

You might not consider someone who works 15-hour days to expand their business a success. You certainly wouldn't be caught dead wearing their shoes.

Hustlers aren't exactly models of success.

If you met someone who worked 5 hours a day and was still able to grow their business, you would consider them successful. You'd be envious of that individual.

And you can be that person if you learn how to take use of other people's time, abilities, and resources.

About the Blog

Wealthisearned is owned by Topitup Media and Communication Nigeria whose Team Lead is Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP

About the Writer

Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie is a Physician, an Author, a Writer, Thinker, Founder, Convener and success coaching addict. He is passionate about helping people become the best versions of themselves through coaching, mentoring, teaching, enlightening and enhancing their self worth. And the Platform he uses to reach out to people is his Ministry of Encouragement  (MoE). He has deep interests in Personal Development including mindset reset and habit change, Personal Finance, Wealth Creation, Health and Fitness. He believes that financial knowledge (literacy) combined with self - discipline is the key to achieving financial  freedom.

He is the author of ThePractical Steps To Total Financial Freedom

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  1. 1. Most times people think hard work or rather put hustling makes the difference or is the passport to becoming rich. Even the bible says that it is wrong to get up early working and go to bed late only to be eating the bread of sorrows. Over the years people especially in business have come to understand the difference between quantity and quality in terms of input and output. There is the concept of hard work and smart work the results both of them produce is what makes the difference. Leveraging is a system of smart work that gives you the results that seem like you've been into hard work. At the end of the day, knowing how to allocate and apportion your time, skills and resources and also learning how to take positive advantage of people's time and resources is what sets one apart and puts him on the pedestal for more efficient and effective results.

    2. Hard work could be likened to a man in the market who uses his wheelbarrow to convey goods from the market to the park, he can only attend to one person at a time and he cannot really have a major say in the market trends bit smart work is setting up a logistics company and having bikers sign up under you to run errands and deliveries for you. Though this might look expensive but pooling funds with about 2 or 3 persons can make it less expensive.

    3. Growth hacking is the conceiving of business ideas, experimenting on them and using their results in your business, so one can come up with an idea to package water, he might want to buy into the existing procedures or bring in his innovations, when this occurs and he learns from his or her experiences whether good or bad, that's growth hacking.

    4. Leveraging simply means having more people's skills, resources , time and expertise at your disposal, while hustling means putting a lot of personal physical efforts to achieve a goal. When you leverage, you take advantage of the multiplier effect that comes with having more people's ideas on your team. Leveraging saves time and effort, leveraging allows you get more productive results with lesser time input. Leveraging helps your business move at a geometric progression while hustling moves at an arithmetic progression ( that's if it does).


    1. Hustling is a way of life for many people and it entails a lot of physical labour - hard work
      Hard work pays
      however a combo of hard and smart work pays bigger dividends

  2. 1.Smart wealth creation is the antidote to hustling. Hustling does not make people wealthy because it leads to burn out.Hustling is not the key to money and success. Working smarter is. Working hard is good but working smarter is better.When one works smarter, the results are obvious using few hours to actualize what a hustler uses many hours to achieve. Knowing what one is doing with a good reason helps in faster Wealth Creation. Applying a worthwhile method to work smarter is the antidote to fast paced hustle. 2.Hardwork entails spending hours 24/7 to achieve what smart work achieves in less hours. 3.Growth hacking is a methodical approach of come up with growth, ideas,testing them and learning from the results. Growth hacking can be utilized in business by experimenting . One will eventually figure out the ideal strategy to expand one's business swiftly through trial and error. 4.Leverage is better than hustling : Leverage is the process of making use of other people's time, money, expertise and resources to one's advantage. It is a far faster way to get rich than hustling. Leverage makes people wealthy not hustling.Rich People use it a lot that is why they are far ahead of an average person that hustles. Leverage allows one to generate more value in less time.

    1. Burn-out syndrome is real and physical llabour contributes more to it than anything else

  3. This post I will term Work smart

    It is a post enlightening is on the need to work diligently and not working hard meaning working around the clock.
    Firstly,we need to understand any venture we want to start, think deeply about it before we start and devise a means to go about it, have a plan, start small and experiment on the project before fully venturing into it rather than thinking that working round the clock will yield us result

    2. Hard work and smart work

    2 men A and B wants to start the same business

    A(hard work) starts the business, gets a shop, go into the market, looks for buyers and closed late

    B(smart work) learnt about the business, understood what people wanted, opened a shop, advertised using social media and other advertising agencies. Had to borrow money, equipped his business well and leveraged, got more hands

    After a year, B was able to pay back and was doing far better than A

    3. Growth hacking means using light and cost effective digital marketing tactics to grow a business as against the traditional marketing

    As I said in example in question 2, A used traditional marketing while B used a growth hacking means...use of digital marketing to get results in shortest time. It can be utilized for people who need result in the shortest time especially for start ups

    4. Leveraging...use of other people. You can't do it alone. Use other people ideas, time and energy to get work done while you focus on expansion and more business rather than hustling, doing it all by oneself

    1. Yes a combination of hard work and smart work pays better in the long run

  4. Smart as usual. On a new week with it's first working day, this is the best doze of wealth knowledge that is needed to push the day running.

    In summary, no one has made it to the financial top without a balance of hustle, hard and smart work. One difference is just that the wealthy learnt how to apply the 80/20% rule. That 20% has a combination of hustle and hardwork that when adequately utilized generates smart work. Every smart worker has a hustle in him though smart too. The smartness can be adduced to life successes like Lionel Messi, Christiano Ronaldo, Ulsain Bolt and more. The game their height with a combination of all these brought together.

    2). Hardwork here and in this context would mean the contextual hustle we see in the streets of Nigeria. The satchet water hustler in the traffics, the barrow pushers, the bricklayers, the ideal yoruba woman in Ketu, Yaba, Oyingbo etc who sells fruits in these bustling bus-stops in Lagos are just vibes that is "hustling".

    Smart works can be adduced to people like Tuface Idibia, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos where were school drop outs but discovered that, it's not about school but a out thinking and experimenting on fascinating ideas. Leaving school gave enough time to thinker out smart things and leveraged on people, their project was only on their audience, no wonder they are on top.

    3). Growth hacking is utilized basically on business via diversifying which comes through experimenting. The ability to thinker out great business ideas comes from deep resting of the brain and in turn churns out soundness which one cannot get from working all day.

    4). It's not on contention. Every business model that has risen to the financial height and stability being referenced all over the universe is simply hinged on leverage. Jacob leveraged on his in-law to generate wealth right the from the biblical account in Genesis. Business is about people, and when they are not the target, they business is not done. Business which is a transaction deals with people. No bank functions without people, banks are formulas for leverage. Sometimes, people see leverage as difficult compared to hustling not knowing they are involved. For instance, Emeka, this polo looks good on you, where did you buy it? I bought at Markens clothing along Photo street, next, the inquirer goes into the place and buys one, Markens wouldn't know he sold as a result of that referral, yet the referee didn't make any profit doing that. Smart people into smart business understands this and acts therein using the system to generate cash.

    1. Growth hacking is what helps Companies to determine their future as they find ideas and constantly test them to see what can work and what can not work

  5. (NO MEMBERSHIP FEE TO JOIN ILLUMINATI), I am giving a testimony on how i became rich and famous today… i was deeply strangled up by poverty and i had no body to help me, and also i searched for help from different corners but to no avail… I see people around me getting rich but to me i was so ashamed of my self so i met a man on my way he was very rich and he was a doctor so he told me something and i think over it through out the day so the next day i looked up and i keep repeating what he said to me.” if you want to get rich quick and be famous” you need to cross your heart and do what is in your mind so i tried all i could in other for me to do as he said so later on i told my fellow friend about this same thing then my friend was interested in my suggestions so i decided to look in the internet and i found a number of an agent Jackson +1(409)2993890 and we decided to contact them and fortunately we did as them instruct us to do and later, them told us to get some requirements and all the rest… so this initiation took us just a week and later on the great Illuminati gave us $7,000,000.00 to start up our lives…. and now am testifying that if in any case you want to join any great Illuminati all you need to do is for you to contact, him on whatsapp +1(409)2993890.

  6. 1. Summary of Wealth is Earned.

    Alot of persons are under the impression 'hustling' is the key to making money/having a successful life. They ignore the fact that the efforts are less / unproductive. Consequently hustlers retire after been burnout without becoming anything close to wealthy.

    7 reasons why hustling don't make people wealthy and counter actions to ensure wealth are as follows:
    1. To spend time thinking is more valuable than hustling.
    2. Mastering the power of elimination also eliminates hustle.
    3. Understanding the 80/20 rule is critical to prevention of burnout and increase in efficiency of wealth creation.
    4. Engage in a long term strategy.
    5. Work Smart rather than hard.
    6. Experimenting contributes to success
    7. Leverage is a smarter way to get rich.

    2. An example of hardwork is when you take a look at a barrow pusher in the market, he conveys load around for the owners, again we can also take a look at someone who offloads a truck load of cement.
    While an example of a smart worker is someone who invests in cyptocurrency, also someone who owns a company and employs skilled workers to run the organization profitably while only supervising.

    3. Growth hacking: Can be utilised whereby a business owner uses a systematic approach to develop growth ideas, test them and consequently learn from the results.

    4. Leveraging is defined as use of other people's time, money, expertise, skills, and resources. While hustling is hardwork. When it comes to wealth creation for so many entrepreneurs, leveraging has been underrated. However it's a smart way to wealth creation.

    Some advantages are as follows:
    1. When you use other people's time, you reduce reduce burnout syndrome for the business owner
    2. Productivity and efficiency is increased since division of labour can come into place.
    3. You can't have all the skills, it gives room to bring on board a wider range of expertise.
    4. For a developing country like ours, where financing is a major challenge, leveraging on other people money can improve the organisation's growth.

  7. Daniel...1. Hustle is a rigorous way of earnings. Both a lay man and some entrepreneurs see it as a way to be successful. But it remain ineffective in bringing majority out of the sorry state of life.
    The application of smarter ways of achieving a purpose is the real key to success, because being hard and staying late night above peers or competitors does not guarantee success. Hence, 7 reasons that will lead to success: Spend time meditating, Having ability to eliminate time wasters, applying the 80/20 rule to achieve favorable outcome, not exhausting yourself on long hustle but rather on strategic plans, working smarter not harder and maximizing leverages.
    2. I will rather get 100 people using my patent right to produce and distribute my brand product and I make $1 on each product they sold than to remain the only producer working so hard 24/7 to produce and distribute those products. For example the eatery franchise.

    3. Growth hacking as the name implies is a system of marketing that focus totally on marketing growth but still balancing to make sure the other units of the business is not affected negatively.

    It is a holistic approach to marketing, as the theory believes that marketing is a binding core of every business which goes the from branding, efficiency in internal procedures, proper public relations strategies, social media engagement, pricing strategies and lots of more.

    4. Leveraging is far better than hustling because it harnessed the efficient of others to achieve your desire result.
    Leverage is said to be the power of ability to influence or achieve a certain desired result.
    Leverage is better than hustling because it does not worn out and entrepreneur.
    Leverage is better than hustling because it give one time to focus on other lucrative activities than just one.
    Leverage help in reducing the time wastage of an entrepreneur.

  8. Summary:Wealth is collected assets such as cash, commodities, stocks, bonds, businesses and properties. Hustling is the act of working rapidly or energetically, hustling can’t make u get rich because one needs to understand the 80/20rule is to prevent being worn out and should increase in efficiency of wealth creation.
    2)Hard work means spending long hours to complete any work without any shortcuts and it definitely ensures results but the process is long. While smart work is the effective and efficient way to completing one or multiple work while also managing time and quality on both
    3) Growth hacking is a field in marketing that uses cost -effective tactics to achieve rapid business growth. Growth hacking is data -driven and companies that use it usually runs experiment to measure their performance (b) it helps to constantly test different options and learn more about the audience like their demands, preferences,interests and more(c)it keeps an eye on the performance and allows you to dump less effective methods for new ones.
    4) Leverage is any technique that involves using debt rather than fresh equity in the purchase of an asset with the expectation that after tax profit to equity holders from transaction. While hustling is the deceptive act of disguising ones skill in a game or work with the intent of luring someone of probably lesser skill into gambling.


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